Deye Hybrid Inverter 10kW รุ่น SUN-10K-SG04LP3-EU(3 เฟส)

ให้คะแนน 4.33 จาก 5 คะแนนเต็มบน 3 การให้คะแนนของลูกค้า
(3 บทวิจารณ์จากลูกค้า)




Higher yields / Safe & Reliable / Smart / User-friendly

SUN 5/6/8/10/12K-SG is brand new three phase hybrid inverter with low battery voltage of 48V, ensuring the system safe and reliable. With compact design and high-power density, this series supports 1.3 DC/AC ratio, saving device investment. It supports three phase unbalanced output, extending the application scenarios. Equipped with CAN port (x2) BMS and parallel, x1 RS485 port for BMS, x1 RS232 port for remotely control, x1 DRM port, which makes the system smart and flexible.

It is equipped with RS485 / CAN port for battery communication

Remotely shutdown function

Smart Monitoring Platform
Thanks to the smart monitoring platform, Deye full series inverter products support remotely shut down immediately when the accident occurs. Setting parameters and FW update remotely, which makes PV plant O&M easier.

  • 48V low voltage battery, transformer isolation design
  • 6 time periods for battery charging/discharging
  • Max. charging/discharging current of 240A
  • Max.10pcs parallel
  • DC couple and AC couple to retrofit existing solar system
  • Support storing energy from diesel generator
  • Supports three phase unbalanced output
  • Unique Smart Load application and Grid peak shaving function



90 x 60 x 90 cm


One Size Fits all


Black with Red, White with Gold


5 years

Deye Hybrid Inverter 10kW รุ่น SUN-10K-SG04LP3-EU(3 เฟส) จาก 3 รีวิว

  1. ให้คะแนน 4 ตั้งแต่ 1-5 คะแนน

    John Doe

    Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.

  2. ให้คะแนน 5 ตั้งแต่ 1-5 คะแนน

    Anna Kowalsky

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse eget facilisis odio. Duis sodales augue eu tincidunt faucibus. Etiam justo ligula, placerat ac augue id, volutpat porta dui.

  3. ให้คะแนน 4 ตั้งแต่ 1-5 คะแนน

    Peter Wargner

    Sed id tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque cursus accumsan tellus, nec ultricies nulla sollicitudin eget. Donec feugiat orci vestibulum porttitor sagittis.


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